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ParticipantsDoGoodersExchange - here you will find a list of people attending

For a registration form and invitation letter in msword:

January 15, 2003

Dear friends,

We are pleased to invite you to:

The Do-Gooders Exchange:

How Can We Do a Better Job?

When: Friday, April 30, and Saturday May 1, 2004 (8:30am to 4pm both days)

Where: Festival Center, (Servant Leadership School) (

1640 Columbia Rd. NW, Washington, DC

As you already know, the gap between the world’s rich and poor continues to grow. This gathering is for individuals or representatives of projects, organizations, churches, mosques, synagogues, associations, etc., who are concerned about this trend and want to play a positive role in changing the status quo. The Exchange is for people who know from personal experience that the journey is long and difficult, and they wish to learn more about staying healthy, vibrant and effective while helping others.

Many individuals and organizations, often with substantial personal and financial resources, try to improve the lives of those less fortunate. Some efforts are successful but many fail. We need to improve our practices so that we can have a better impact on individual lives and project goals.

If you care about these challenges and are involved in education, micro-credit, job creation, short-term mission trips or cultural exchanges, leadership development, counseling, issues concerning peace and nonviolence, advocacy, or health-care, we urge you to attend this gathering. We believe that you will leave with new insights and ideas, new contacts and friends, and, most important of all, encouragement and inspiration.

We will use the Open Space format for our gathering. In Open Space, participants are invited to propose subjects and questions that they want the group to address. When we have collectively created our agenda, individuals will organize and join the small group discussions that interest them.

The results of The Exchange will include:

Sally Cole, former administrator at Stanford University and at Duke University, has volunteered to join The Exchange gathering and take responsibility for the record of proceedings. After living for two years at Wings of Hope Home for Disabled Children in Fermathe, Haiti, Sally has recently moved to Petion-Ville (Haiti) and is eager to become involved in these types of initiatives.

Space is limited, so we encourage you to make a decision quickly and, if you are able to join us, to make reservations now. Click here for the DoGoodersExchangeRegistrationForm. Please mail it along with a check for $60 - $100, depending upon your budget, to: John Engle, P.O. Box 42302, Washington D.C. 20015. The check should be made out to: John Engle. Coffee, Tea and bagels will be served both mornings as well as lunch.

Click here for an invitation letter and registration form in ms word format

To see a current list of participants, go to, scroll down and click on: The Do-Gooders Exchange. Or, simply click on ParticipantsDoGoodersExchange. For those who are coming from out of town and who are looking for places to stay, click here for GuestHousesinDC.

We hope you decide to attend "The Do-Gooders Exchange: How can we do a better job?"


John Engle 717.433.0059,,

Click here MyCommentsDoGoodersExchange and tell us your thoughts!


For a registration form and invitation letter in msword:

go back to: JohnEngle

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Last edited April 17, 2004 4:57 pm USA Pacific Time by