Difference (from prior major revision) (no other diffs)

Changed: 2,14c2,14
#How to get children to attend.
#When children miss too many days, and when they return, it is like having to start over.
#Incentive for attendance are: transportation, food.
#Letters sent home if no attendance for 2 weeks.
#Voluntary service.
#Can't force the issue.
#Potty training is an issue. Must be potty trained to attend.
#Maybe we do too much ie. morning call out, bus pickup etc.
#Activities good - monthly field trips, parent craft, guest speaker, family book club.
#Some programs have strict policies re: attendance.
#Some are more casual (ie. drop in)
#Working on elder involvement.
#Who can attend? Any family affiliated???
*How to get children to attend.
*When children miss too many days, and when they return, it is like having to start over.
*Incentive for attendance are: transportation, food.
*Letters sent home if no attendance for 2 weeks.
*Voluntary service.
*Can't force the issue.
*Potty training is an issue. Must be potty trained to attend.
*Maybe we do too much ie. morning call out, bus pickup etc.
*Activities good - monthly field trips, parent craft, guest speaker, family book club.
*Some programs have strict policies re: attendance.
*Some are more casual (ie. drop in)
*Working on elder involvement.
*Who can attend? Any family affiliated???

Changed: 17,21c17,21
#Sometimes things take time ie. Head Start Funding takes a year to put in place.
#Keep incentive positive.
#Work on elder involvement.
#Make expectations to parents clear and follow up.
#Everthing is cyclical.
*Sometimes things take time ie. Head Start Funding takes a year to put in place.
*Keep incentive positive.
*Work on elder involvement.
*Make expectations to parents clear and follow up.
*Everthing is cyclical.

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