Difference (from prior minor revision) (author diff)

Changed: 2c2,4
(for posting this session I drew in three colors flowing shapes on a piece of paper - no words - when I stood up I said something about what is/can be other than words, other than text (in Open Space and elsewhere...it will be interesting to try to see how to take/share 'notes' and 'comments' in wiki...and maybe I can add photos I take next week to this proceeding...LisaHeft)...

(for posting this session I drew in three colors flowing shapes on a piece of paper - no words - when I stood up I said something about what is/can be other than words, other than text -- in Open Space and elsewhere...it will be interesting to try to see how to take/share 'notes' and 'comments' in wiki...and maybe I can add photos I take next week to this proceeding...LisaHeft)...


(for posting this session I drew in three colors flowing shapes on a piece of paper - no words - when I stood up I said something about what is/can be other than words, other than text -- in Open Space and elsewhere...it will be interesting to try to see how to take/share 'notes' and 'comments' in wiki...and maybe I can add photos I take next week to this proceeding...LisaHeft)...

Convenor: LisaHeft


Summary of the meeting:

Follow up:

Online Comments: