Difference (from prior minor revision) (no other diffs)

Changed: 1c1
It would be good to have a definition here
What is Open Space Technology?

Added: 2a3,8
See Introducing Open Space at OSWorldORG:EnglishHomepage for these and other explanatory pages...

*OSWorldORG:AboutOpenSpace - an executive summary and a few other good articles
*OSWorldORG:OpenSpaceSoundBites - stories and explanations from all over the world
*OSWorldORG:OpenSpaceBooksAndVideos - resources to purchase and other recommendations

Changed: 8,9c14,17

* FAQ: http://www.chriscorrigan.com/openspace/whatisos.html

* Pictures: GlobalChicago:OpenSpaceTech/InPics

* FAQ: [Corrigan:WhatIsOpenSpace?]

Changed: 11c19
* Articles: http://www.openspaceworld.org/wiki/wiki/wiki.cgi?OpenSpaceArticles
* Articles: OSWorldORG:OpenSpaceArticles

Added: 12a21
* Practice Resources GlobalChicago:OpenSpaceTech

What is Open Space Technology?

See Introducing Open Space at OSWorldORG:EnglishHomepage for these and other explanatory pages...

Sometimes abbreviated to OST.

Further reading: