Difference (from prior author revision) (no other diffs)

Changed: 9,19c9,19
*PrepareIndividualsToBeSelfSufficient? - Don Hortuko
*Opportunities And Challenges for AboriginalCulturalTourism? - Trina Simard
*Participating with Non-Aboriginal groups in UrbanCommunityEconomicDevelopment?: Pathways and perils - Louise
*HowToSupportAboriginalEntreprenuers?. - Don
*Why would non-native corporations do BusinessOnReserve?
*How do we IncorporateTraditionalValuesIntoTodaysBusinessWorld? - Sarah
*How to develop economic development StrategiesThatMeetTheNeedsOfAllMembersInYourCommunity? - Jason
*WhatDoesGovernmentNeedToDoBetter? to effectively support Aboriginal community economic development? - Anna
*IsEcDevMoreThanBuisnessDevelopment?? - Ian
*Is community-based economic development ToCreateJobsOrMakeProfits??
*What were PastTrendsInAboriginalEcDev? that have succeeded or failed. - Jimmy
*/PrepareIndividualsToBeSelfSufficient? - Don Hortuko
*Opportunities And Challenges for /AboriginalCulturalTourism? - Trina Simard
*Participating with Non-Aboriginal groups in /UrbanCommunityEconomicDevelopment: Pathways and perils - Louise
*/HowToSupportAboriginalEntreprenuers?. - Don
*Why would non-native corporations do /BusinessOnReserve?
*How do we /IncorporateTraditionalValuesIntoTodaysBusinessWorld - Sarah
*How to develop economic development /StrategiesThatMeetTheNeedsOfAllMembersInYourCommunity? - Jason
*/WhatDoesGovernmentNeedToDoBetter? to effectively support Aboriginal community economic development? - Anna
*/IsEcDevMoreThanBuisnessDevelopment?? - Ian
*Is community-based economic development /ToCreateJobsOrMakeProfits??
*What were /PastTrendsInAboriginalEcDev? that have succeeded or failed. - Jimmy

Changed: 25,32c25,32
*TieInThePhysicalAndSpiritualElementsOfDailyLife? into the routine of daily work. - Victor
*What do you do WhenHalfOdTheCommunityWantsToProgressAndTheOtherHalfDoesNot?? - Jill
*WillAboriginalCulturalTourismHaveAPositiveOrNegativeImpact? on our communities'culture and well-being? - Trina
*How can we make ConnectionsBetweenFirstNations? who have successful economic development and those who don't? - Elliot
*HowCanIMarketAndPromotBusinessDevelopmentSolutions? to Aoboriginal communities to begin the sel-sustaining, self-esteem, healthy lifestyle habits that come with being busy, successful, valued, and able to support self and family? - Elizabeth
*IsThereAPlaceForTechnologyInACommunity? that supports healthy economic growth?- Jeff
*/TieInThePhysicalAndSpiritualElementsOfDailyLife? into the routine of daily work. - Victor
*What do you do /WhenHalfOdTheCommunityWantsToProgressAndTheOtherHalfDoesNot?? - Jill
*/WillAboriginalCulturalTourismHaveAPositiveOrNegativeImpact? on our communities'culture and well-being? - Trina
*How can we make /ConnectionsBetweenFirstNations? who have successful economic development and those who don't? - Elliot
*/HowCanIMarketAndPromotBusinessDevelopmentSolutions? to Aoboriginal communities to begin the sel-sustaining, self-esteem, healthy lifestyle habits that come with being busy, successful, valued, and able to support self and family? - Elizabeth
*/IsThereAPlaceForTechnologyInACommunity? that supports healthy economic growth?- Jeff

This is a space to continue the Open Space conversations begun in Whitehorse at the CANDO annual conference in September 2003. Simply click on the session title to view the proceedings and use the "Edit text of this page" to add any further thoughts.

Note that many of the sessions that took place in Whitehorse didn't record session notes. As a learning conference, the emphasis was not on generating proceedings but rather focused on the conversatinos and networking that ensued. If you wish to add to any of these subject areas, even the ones that don't have proceedings, please feel free to do so.

September 17

New Directions for Aboriginal Economic Development

September 18

Caring for our communities: using community economic development to restore health and well-being to Aboriginal communities