Difference (from prior author revision) (no other diffs)

Added: 0a1

Added: 1a3

Removed: 3d4
OSI (USA) board members: GabrielShirley, JohnEngle, KerryNapuk?, LeondeKing?, LisaHeft, MichaelHerman, PeggyHolman and MikkSarv

Changed: 11c12

Added: 13a15

Changed: 16c18,20
*OSIasFiscalAgent - Here are reflections regarding how an OSI structured as a nonprofit might be a helpful conduit for an underserved community/organization and a foundation or donner wishing to help with Open Space.
Issues and Resources Raised in this ongoing Discussion

*OSIasFiscalAgent - Here are reflections regarding how an OSI structured as a nonprofit might be a helpful conduit for an underserved community/organization and a foundation or donor wishing to help with Open Space.

The OSI (US) board has been conversing about ways to serve the underserved for several years. We wish to make this conversation more public. We invite you to share your comments and reflections.

OSI (USA)'s intends to continue to fund requests that create and hold space in the world using four factors to help us determine where we can best contribute:

Issues and Resources Raised in this ongoing Discussion