I am a naturopathic physician and acupuncturist in a collaborative practice called One Sky Wellness Associates, that lives in the Seattle Healing Arts Center.
I also work half the week at Bastyr University, a few hours a week as part of the faculty team for the Naturopathic Philosophy course, and the rest as the "University Catalyst" reporting to the office of Bastyr's President Dan Church.
Participating in the Open Space gathering called the Practice of Peace, in 2003, was transformative for me, in terms of the dear friends whom I first met there and in terms of giving me a perspective and a set of practices that now inform the way I live and move in the world - including the ways I parent and relate and the ways I teach and practice medicine.
Supporting systemic self-organization is resonant with the principles of naturopathic medicine and Chinese medicine, in which the foundation of health is the removal of obstacles and constraints so that the intelligent healing power of nature, the flow of qi which permeates every part of us and the rest of the universe, can do what it already knows to do.
As the University Catalyst, I have no power in the traditional sense - no budget, no supervisory role, not even an office. What I do have is access to everyone in the university community - the academic council, students, faculty, administration - and the freedom to speak up. Though Dr. Church named me "catalyst," what I am doing in my view is playing the roles of Open Space bumblebee and butterfly, with the aspiration of opening space and facilitating nourishing conditions conducive to life and health, within our community and in our relationships with the rest of the world.
I regard Open Space Technology as a healing modality.