When you think about leadership in a self-organizing world, what questions are cooking you? What do you hope to learn at this gathering? What does collective leadership look like as it evolves through self-organizing means - as opposed to individual leadership and consciousness-raising? How do we manifest self-organizing "organizations" that can facilitate our work in the world - such that our organizations are new models of integrity, i.e. practicing what we preach or walking our talk?
When you think about leadership in a self-organizing world, what questions are cooking you? What do you hope to learn at this gathering? How do you create "proof" or a "track record" of success in a "managed change" world, when you are working in new ways from a "self-organizing" paradigm and all measurement is merely feedback?
How do you know when something isn't working when you are doing it for the first time and dissonance and conflict are an integral part of "self-organization"?