More recently, I have attempted to influence organizers of BIG ISSUE conferences – e.g., how to end homelessness, how to deal with large-scale cumulative environmental/social impact – to utilize an open space approach in order to tap into the collective wisdom of the conference participants. My influence so far has been limited – the open space sessions have run in parallel with the traditional conference.
Most of my corporate work is in the realm of “high performance teamwork” where a model of shared leadership has often been adopted at some level. For me, self-organization and shared leadership go hand-in-hand – and find each other through the invitation of passion plus personal responsibility.
When you think about leadership in a self-organizing world, what questions are cooking you?
How fast can we accelerate acceptance of the paradigm that we live in a self-organizing world? What might we do collectively to demonstrate the power of self-organization in tackling some or one BIG issue facing the continent or the world today? What have people done to transform their organization or community into one where self-organization has become the dominant paradigm? What do you hope to learn at this gathering?
I hope to learn that Harrison Owen is in attendance – I look forward to extending my personal acknowledgement for his unknowing contribution to my life. I suspect there will be others in the room who want to change the world, and I look forward to learn from and be inspired by what they are doing.