Tell us about a meaningful experience you have had with self-organizing and/or ways you are engaging with new forms of leadership and organization.: The Burning Man Arts Festival - and it's expression as Black Rock City - is a brilliant portrait of organized chaos, acceptable deviance, and other brilliant paradoxes. I have been participating in this incubator for community, care, and spirit in the desert of Nevada for over six years - now I want this experience all year, all places. I am a liaison working with regional Burns around the world as we strive to bring the "je ne sais quoi" of Burning Man beyond the desert.
When you think about leadership in a self-organizing world, what questions are cooking you? What do you hope to learn at this gathering?: How are leaders communicating this radical organizational paradigm to those whose only experience is that of hierarchy, bureaucracy, and competition? What portals are being offered for those seeking ways through change?