I am excited about the creative possibilities available to us as the old unsustainable systems collapse. There is a recognition that we are ready for the media and citizens to work together to create a world that works for all. I am deeply committed to the work of Tom Atlee (www.co-intelligence.org) and have attended two conferences - Journalism That Matters and the American Citizens' Summit - that reinforce that the time in now and that i am one of so many. I am completely available to play my role fully in the convergence of media and citizen engagement as the path unfolds.Tell us about a meaningful experience you have had with self-organizing and/or ways you are engaging with new forms of leadership and organization.: I had the privilege of leading a non-profit organization that transformed into a team that was creative, brilliant, inspired - individually and collectively. This team was passionate about the organization's purpose and producing results that benefitted everyone. It was the exception, rather than the rule, to put attention on anything that was not essential. Before working as a non-profit ED, I was an organizational consultant with a focus on effective organizational communications. The most exciting project was with Fetzer Vineyards, where I worked closely with President Paul Dolan (a visionary leader!) and the organization's leadership team. I was their primary consultant for four years as we implemented a Vision in Action program that continued to expand and deepen after i left. Another meaningful experience was a series of workshops with Bank of America Teleservice Managers. At that time, BofA? had the largest telephone customer service operation in the world. We brought the mid-level managers (and their brilliant ideas) together with the Executive Vice-President and Vice President levels and together generated creative ideas that improved the quality of life for employees and customers and saved the bank money. It was my good luck to offer 100s of workshops in the corporate setting, but these are the two examples that had the greatest impact on me personally.
When you think about leadership in a self-organizing world, what questions are cooking you? What do you hope to learn at this gathering?: What is the most effective and most expedient way to engage the largest number of people in actively fulfilling the promise of democracy? How can i best be used as part of the movement to mobilize communities around the country and the world to come together for the good of the whole?
http://www.nwtradio.com http://www.co-intelligence.org/CII_Board.html