1. Advising the Environmental Education Association of Washington (EEAW) on a strategy to create an online network that will implement a statewide plan for environmental education. Network members include government (state, regional, local), educators (K-12, Higher, Tribal), business, and communities.
2. Facilitating the development of a global information and communications technology (ICT) strategy for the Compassionate Action Network. (I was not involved with the current CAN website design)
1. United Nations - Graduate research focused on how information and communications technology can accelerate positive change. Pam learned about how the UN uses knowledge networks to help partners in 192 member nations meet the UN Millennium Development Goals.
2. Microsoft - Program Manager on MSN Home page and other top portals. Wrote a global online strategy for Bill Gates' book titled Business @ the Speed of Thought.
3. Foundations - Consultant for the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Honor Day Foundation, Kirlin Foundation (for event below)
4. Seeds of Compassion - Collected ideas from 75 nations and territories for an event with the Dalai Lama and Archbishop Desmond Tutu in Seattle. See (The Compassionate Action Network above is one outcome of this event).
For more information, please contact PamKM? at or 206-781-1500 in Seattle.