Tell us about a meaningful experience you have had with self-organizing and/or ways you are engaging with new forms of leadership and organization.: I hold a dedicated practice of engaging with any relationship, project or organization as a living entity itself. Cultivating rapport with the living field of these endeavors does a marvelous job of unlocking and revealing the natural patterns of intelligence and emergence. A recent discovery I am eager to share is the practice of Holacracy a whole systemic protocal for organization that marries the analytical and intuitive, making way for swift and agile traction and action while cultivating astute sensitivity and engagement in all parts of a system.
When you think about leadership in a self-organizing world, what questions are cooking you? What do you hope to learn at this gathering?: I hold a steady inquiry in the line of building the value of this work in the world and how to support myself and others in sustaining these efforts and their results that for some, seem illusive or invisible. I hope to gain greater exposure to the others in the field and how they navigate this, and sustain and maintain themselves in this line of service. I also hope to deeper learn of the subtle refinements that drive the sophistication of the many tools of this growing field and trade.