Tell us about a meaningful experience you have had with self-organizing and/or ways you are engaging with new forms of leadership and organization: I’ve been very involved with the broad community of friends and pioneering leaders connected to the Berkana Institute since 2000 and the Art of Hosting since 2003. Both have been remarkable journeys being part of global self organizing webs that have formed and are growing in strength and impact.
When you think about leadership in a self-organizing world, what questions are cooking you? What do you hope to learn at this gathering?: Berkana is in the midst of a transition into an “organizational structure” that truly supports a self organizing web of initiatives. It’s an exciting and grand experiment and I would like to hear stories of other working with self-organization and non-profit structures. What are the new forms of “organization” that are working and what are you learning? I’m also interested in how self organization looks from various cultural perspectives. I have many observations and look forward to continuing that inquiry here.