Welsome to the online component of OSonOSinOZ?, the tenth annual Open Space on Open Space gathering, being held in Marysville, Australia from November 9-12, 2002.

I'm ChrisCorrigan?, an Open Space facilitator based on Bowen Island, off the west coast of Canada. I co-hosted the ninth annual OSonOS? in Vancouver last year, and I'm pleased to co-host the online component of OSonOS? X in Marysville.

Over the years, Open Space Technology has found a warm companion in the technology of the Internet. At every OSonOS? since the first one people have discussed ways to compliment the face to face experience with an online component. Openspaceworld.org has hosted the proceedings from OSonOS? VI in Monterey to the present day. Last year in Vancouver, we experimented with a new technology called Catalyst, and were ably assisted by Gabriel Shirley of BigMindMedia? (http://www.bigmindmedia.com). This was close to a real time online OST event, and convenors at our site in Vancouver posted directly to the web where participants around the world continued the conversations.

This year is no different. Once again we are turning our sights on the web as a tool to facilitate ongoing conversation sparked by the Marysville conference. And once again we are using new technology to facilitate the online experience, the first ever OSonOS? Wiki web.

If you are new to Wiki, you might want to check out HowToUseThisWikiWeb? for a quick orientation. After that, you'll see that participating here is as easy as typing an email. Anyone can contribute to conversations, enhance discussion, create pages and generally play here, and we look forward to participation the world over in OSonOS? online.

For those of you who want to play right away, you have two options. Visit the OSonOS? online home page and post a topic. You can post whatever you like in the OnlineIssues page. Once the live conference begins in Australia on November 9, you can view the proceedings at the IssuesPosted page. I'll move all of the online discussions there at that time and we'll let the fun keep rolling...

Begin a discussion now and see if it gets carried over to the live event in Australia!

You are also invited to help us fill out this wiki web by clicking on a question mark and creating a page that extends this web a little further.

If you have any questions, feel free to email me at chris@chriscorrigan.com where I will be pleased to answer. Or post your question on the Wiki somewhere and see who replies. Oh, and don't forget to check in and let us know a little about yourself at the OnlineCheckins page.

So a very warm welcome to all of you joining us online for OSonOS? 10, live in Australia and around the world on Wiki.